Due to Hurricane Milton, the University of Florida will close its offices and cancel classes, including online classes, beginning at 12:01 a.m. Wednesday, Oct. 9 and continuing through Thursday, Oct. 10.
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From pre-award to post-award, research and extension is at the heart of UF’s mission. This toolkit includes web simulations, instruction guides, training, and other resources to support sponsored projects administration.

Please review the Sponsored Programs Training Courses for a full list of courses offered.

You may notice the navigation in UFIRST and myUFL is different than what is shown in these training resources. These changes are primarily look and feel differences.

Division of Sponsored Programs (DSP)

Proposal Processing and Preaward Services

Contracts and Grants Accounting Services (C&G)

Post Award Financial Reporting and Compliance


Web Simulations and Instruction Guides


To register for online courses in myTraining, navigate to mytraining.hr.ufl.edu. From the myTraining Dashboard, you can search for courses using the Activity Search field in the upper left hand corner. Just type the course name, course ID or a keyword and then click Search.

After you’ve registered for training, your current enrollments display in the Training list found on the Dashboard page. To begin an online course, click the green Start button.

You can also access myTraining from myUFL using the following navigation:
Main Menu > My Self Service > Training and Development > myTraining

Please review the Sponsored Programs Training Courses for a full list of courses offered.

Contact Information

Division of Sponsored Programs
Proposal Processing and Preaward Services
(352) 392-9267
Fax (352) 392-4400

207 Grinter Hall
PO Box 115500
Gainesville, FL 32611-5500

Contracts and Grants Accounting Services
Post Award Financial Reporting and Compliance

33 Tigert Hall
PO Box 113001
Gainesville, FL 32611-3001

For technical issues, contact the UF Computing Help Desk: 392-HELP