If you see something, say something.
When an individual has a concern about possible employee misconduct or wants to file a complaint alleging employee misconduct, there are several different options to consider. Once an incident is reported to a particular office, it is possible that more than one UF office will look into the concern or complaint, depending on the subject matter and severity.
We recommend employees start with the office that seems to be the best fit for the situation. The offices identified below regularly collaborate with each other and can determine if a joint investigation is necessary or whether the complaint is more appropriately addressed by another office. To avoid confusion and redundancies, please do not file the same complaint with multiple offices. In other words, pick the office that makes the most sense and we will sort it out.
In Case of Emergency: As always, if an employee believes there is an imminent safety risk to them (or another UF employee, student, or guest) please call 911.
Employees are always encouraged to first speak with their immediate supervisor any time they have a workplace problem or concern. Immediate supervisors are in the best position to help employees address and resolve work-related concerns or issues. If the problem involves the employee’s immediate supervisor, speaking to the supervisor’s immediate supervisor (i.e., the next person in the chain of leadership) is the appropriate person to contact about a possible complaint.
Most business and academic units have local human resource professionals who are great resources for faculty and staff. An employee can always start there with questions, guidance or to voice concerns. Similarly, faculty may choose to engage their college HR liaison or an associate dean.
Employee Relations is an appropriate office for employees to contact if they are concerned that another UF employee may be violating a UF regulation or policy, or if the employee is unsure of where to report an issue in the workplace. It is also an appropriate office to contact when it appears another UF employee is engaging in misconduct, such as bullying. This is true even if the reporting employee is not being directly harmed by the misconduct (i.e., the bully is targeting someone else). You can contact Employee Relations by calling (352) 392-1072 or emailing EmployeeRelations@hr.ufl.edu.
Title IX Compliance is the appropriate place to initiate a complaint (if the reporting party is the victim) or file a report (if the reporting party is a witness) of anything that may be construed as discrimination on the basis of sex, sexual harassment, quid pro quo, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking. As is always the case, if there is a crisis situation, call 911. You can complete a Title IX complaint form or you may contact the Title IX Coordinator by calling (352) 294-8720 or e-mailing titleix@ufl.edu.
If a UF employee is aware of any unauthorized disclosure or acquisition of private data, including anything that may be protected by HIPAA (protecting medical records) or FERPA (protecting student records), they may contact the UF Privacy Office at (352) 294-8720, 1-866-876-4472 (hotline) or complete a Privacy Incident Report.
The Office of Internal Audit (OIA) has the responsibility of reviewing complaints and allegations of a fiscal or related compliance nature (e.g., theft, improper use of UF property or funds, etc.). This includes complaints and allegations made under various Florida laws designed to prevent fraud and dishonest acts while protecting whistleblowers. You may contact the Office of Internal Audit by calling (352) 392-1391.
The Office of Research is the best office to contact about research misconduct. Research misconduct generally means fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism in proposing, performing, or reviewing research, or in reporting research results. You may contact the Office of Research by calling (352) 392-1582.
The University of Florida is committed to operating in an environment of integrity and has established the UF Compliance and Ethics (UFCE) as a point of coordination and a resource to all employees for all compliance activities. Employees are asked to report any activities or conduct that they believe violates a state or federal law or university policy. This includes violations of the FL Code of Ethics, UF Ethics Policy, conflicts of interests, exclusions screenings, higher education or healthcare related laws, and any other compliance related violations. The UF Compliance and Ethics (UFCE) is one place for reporting concerns, however the office works closely with other core services so if there is an office more suited to answer your question, they will refer you accordingly. You may contact UF Compliance and Ethics (UFCE) by calling (352) 294-8720 or e-mailing uf-compliance@ufl.edu.
If an employee is not comfortable reporting their concern through any of the university’s administrative channels, the UF Compliance Hotline is a confidential/anonymous way to report concerns of suspected wrongdoing. The UF Compliance Hotline is operated 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and can be used by calling (877) 556-5356 or using its online reporting service.
If the individual who is engaging in suspected misconduct happens to be a student, the Student Conduct & Conflict Resolution Office within Student Affairs should be contacted. UF students are expected to comply with the Student Conduct & Honor Codes and applicable UF regulations and policies. The Student Conduct & Conflict Resolution Office is located at 202 Peabody Hall and can be reached by calling (352) 392-1261 or by faxing (352) 392-5566. Additionally, electronic inquiries regarding Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution may be submitted using the SCCR Contact Form.
The Employee Assistance Program provides employees with free and confidential consultation with licensed mental health professionals and facilitates workshops and trainings addressing topics such as stress management for groups, among other offerings. To contact the EAP, visit online for more information or to schedule an appointment at eap.ufl.edu; email eap-help@ufl.edu; or call (352) 273-1765.
U Matter, We Care is an umbrella for care-related programs and resources for students and employees. It includes the Office of Victim Services and a training program for recognizing the signs of distress and providing help, as well as other resources.
Contact UF Animal Care Services: Phone: (352) 273-9230, Fax: (352) 273-9323, Email: ACS-Office@acs.ufl.edu.
Concerns about misconduct involving animals used for research, testing, teaching or training purposes can be reported to the Office of Research. Additional information is available on the Office of Research website addressing Animal Use in Research.
If you suspect, know or feel that anyone is or may be involved in research misconduct, you can report it in one of the following ways:
In an emergency, always start with law enforcement by calling 911. For non-emergent situations, report concerns directly to UF Police Department by calling (352) 392-1111.
Anonymous non-emergency reports can be made to the UF Compliance Hotline by calling (877) 556-5356 or by using its online reporting service.
If you believe that someone without authorization may have accessed electronic files or records, immediately report the incident to the UF Privacy Office by calling (352) 627-9050 or the toll-free hotline (866) 876-HIPA, faxing (352) 627-9052, or emailing privacy@ufl.edu. You may also complete an online Privacy Incident Report if an unauthorized disclosure or acquisition of private data occurs or is suspected to have occurred.
Information Security incidents can be reported to the UFIT Information Security Office by emailing security@ufl.edu or calling (352) 273-1344.
If you believe you have been treated differently based on your protected class status, you can contact UFHR Employee Relations to discuss the matter or file a complaint.
Anonymous reports can be made to the UF Compliance Hotline by calling (877) 556-5356 or using its online reporting service.
To report a campus or online disability accessibility issue, you can contact Dr. Russ Froman, the UF ADA Compliance Coordinator. Employees who want to request a disability accommodation or learn more about the disability accommodation process can visit: Disability Accommodations
Complaints can be submitted through the UFHR Employee Relations Complaint process. Reports can be anonymously made to the UF Compliance Hotline by calling (877) 556-5356 or by using its online reporting service.
Issues within your work environment should first be reported to your immediate supervisor and your chain of command. If attempts to resolve issues locally fail, you can contact UFHR Employee Relations.
If you are not sure whether you want to file a complaint, you can also consider meeting with the Ombuds for Staff, Ombuds for Faculty, or Ombuds for the College of Medicine.
Anonymous reports can be made to the UF Compliance Hotline by calling (877) 556-5356 or by using its online reporting service.
You may report violations or concerns to your immediate supervisor or department head, if appropriate.
You may also contact the Office of Internal Audit, 720 SW 2nd Avenue, Suite 260 South, PO Box 113025, Gainesville, FL 32611-3025.
Anonymous reports can be made to the UF Compliance Hotline by phone (1-877-556-5356) or via an online reporting service.
If you suspect, know or feel that anyone is or may be involved in research misconduct, you can report it in one of the following ways:
In an emergency, always start with law enforcement by calling 911. For non-emergent situations, report concerns directly to UF Police Department by calling (352) 392-1111.
Anyone who believes that he or she has been subjected to a violation of this policy or related retaliation is strongly encouraged to promptly report such behavior to the Title IX Coordinator or any university official, administrator, supervisor, manager, or faculty member.
In non-emergency situations, sexual harassment, sexual assault, or any sexual misconduct can be reported to UF’s Title IX Coordinator, 903 West University Avenue, phone: (352) 273-1094, email: titleix@ad.ufl.edu.
Additional resources are listed on the UF Title IX website. You can also review reporting options to assist in the reporting process.
Anonymous reports can be made to the UF Compliance Hotline by calling (877) 556-5356 or by using its online reporting service.
Emergency situations should be immediately reported to UFPD at 911.
Florida law requires every individual who knows, or has reasonable cause to suspect, that a child is abused, abandoned, or neglected to immediately report such knowledge or suspicion to the Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF). The law also requires reports of known or suspected abuse, neglect, or exploitation of a vulnerable adult. Heightened fines apply to institutions of higher education who fail to make required reports. Learn more on UF’s page dedicated to Vulnerable Persons or watch a short educational video posted by UFPD.
Emergency situations should be reported immediately by calling 911. For non-emergencies, such concerns may be reported to UFPD by calling (352) 392-1111, faxing (352) 392-0539, or emailing updinfo@admin.ufl.edu.
For non-emergencies, threats or threatening behavior may also be reported through the observer’s chain of command (starting with immediate supervisor) to Employee Relations or to the UF Compliance Hotline either by calling (877) 556-5356 or by submitting an online reporting service.
The injured employee and supervisor should immediately contact AmeriSys by calling (800) 455-2079. Treatment for any non-life threatening work-related injury or illness must be authorized by AmeriSys prior to obtaining medical treatment.
If you have questions or need more information about workers’ compensation, contact the UF Workers’ Compensation Office by calling (352) 392-4940 or emailing workcomp@ufl.edu. You may also contact UFWC by calling (800) 955-8771 (TDD) or visiting the UFWC website.
Still not sure where to start the complaint/reporting process? Please contact Employee Relations’ Main Office (or your Employee Relations Satellite Office):
903 W. University Avenue
P.O. Box 115000
Gainesville, FL 32611
Phone: (352) 392-1072
Email: EmployeeRelations@hr.ufl.edu
Robert Cancellieri, Director of Employee Relations
903 W. University Avenue
P.O. Box 115000
Gainesville, FL 32611
Phone: (352) 392-1072
Email: rcancellieri@ufl.edu
Rebecca Wright, Associate Director
P.O. Box 115003
Location: 903 W. University Avenue
Phone: (352) 392-6615
Fax: (352) 392-1726
Email: rebeccawright@ufl.edu
Ron Casper, Assistant Director
P.O. Box 100346
Location: Room H-8, JHMHC
Phone: (352) 273-9037
Fax: (352) 273-9046
Email: rcasper@ufl.edu
Catherine Ciminillo, Assistant Director
P.O. Box 115003
Location: 903 W. University Avenue
Phone: (352) 392-6615
Fax: (352) 392-1726
Email: crincim@ufl.edu