Drawing Procedures

To be placed in the pool of names for the HEO program for the next academic year, each of the following must be completed by the HEO drawing application deadline, November 1.

1. The child of the TEAMS employee must apply for admission to the University of Florida, Office of Admissions.

Regardless of where the child is currently attending or where the child wants to attend, the child must apply for admission to the University of Florida by the HEO deadline to be considered. If the child is not admitted to UF, only then will the child have the option of attending a state of Florida college or community college instead.

Please note: A requirement of this benefit is that all eligible students must apply to the University of Florida Office of Admissions, by the HEO drawing deadline established for the freshman application—if they are not already a student at UF. Students who have entered their high school senior year and students applying as freshman or transfer students, must apply to the University of Florida Office of Admissions by the HEO drawing application deadline, November 1.

  • All UF admissions-related inquires (including eligibility) should be directed to and confirmed by the Office of Admissions The following students are eligible to apply for admission to UF (and therefore required to do so for the HEO benefit):
    • Students with 11 semester hours or less (earned following high school graduation)
    • Students with 60 semester hours or more (earned following high school graduation)

Students who are not eligible to apply for admission must provide documentation of ineligibility (e.g., transcripts verifying credit hours earned after high school graduation) to UFHR.

2. The TEAMS employee must notify Training and Development in the Office of Human Resources that they wish to enter their child into the HEO drawing for the coming academic year by submitting the online HEO Application Form by the established deadline.

  • Each eligible full-time TEAMS employee may submit one eligible child’s name per year for entrance into the HEO program.
  • More than one full-time TEAMS employee may enter the same eligible child’s name for consideration in this program, provided that the eligible child meets the eligibility criteria for each full-time TEAMS employee.
  • If a full-time TEAMS employee has an eligible child selected for participation in this program, they may enter a different eligible child’s name in subsequent years, provided that the subsequent eligible child meets the eligibility criteria.
  • A new application must be made for each subsequent year the eligible child wishes to submit their name for the HEO.
  • Once a child’s name is selected for the HEO, there is no need to submit the child’s name again.
  • If the eligible child is already admitted to the University of Florida, no new application for admission is necessary.

3. In March, UFHR begins the vetting process for the submitted drawing applications, including but not limited to, verifying TEAMS applications were submitted by the HEO deadline, confirming with the UF’s Director of Admissions, children eligible to submit UF Admissions applications met the November 1, deadline, and TEAMS child and parent dependency verification.

  • In the event greater than 150 applicants are confirmed eligible, to ensure fairness, the 150 names will be selected at a public drawing to take place each spring.

4. In the spring, a public drawing coordinated by Training and Development in the Office of Human Resources will be held to select 150 names from the pool of eligible HEO applicants who have applied for admission to the University, as verified by the Office of Admissions. All eligible HEO applicants and their qualifying parents will be given appropriate notice of the date, time, and location of the drawing.

5. TEAMS parents of the children selected for the HEO scholarship will be notified by the UFHR HEO Coordinator after the drawing selection has concluded.

  • Those children among the 150 selected, who meet admissions requirements to the UF, will be offered admission to the university, conditional upon receipt of their high school diploma before the date of entry into the University offered by the Director of Admissions.
  • If selected for the HEO and offered admission to the UF, the HEO recipient must attend the UF to receive the benefit of the HEO.
  • Please note that the UF reserves the right to make changes based on administrative errors.
  • Those children among the 150 who are not offered admission to the UF, must receive a high school diploma before the beginning of the academic year and must enroll at a Florida public college (i.e., SF College) or community college, to participate in this program.
  • This program only covers at the University of Florida or Florida public colleges and community colleges, in the event the child is not accepted to UF. The HEO does not cover at private institutions, out of state  institutions, or at other Florida universities.

6. The HEO benefit will be activated by the following:

  • Receipt of a completed online HEO Acceptance form, submitted by the TEAMS parent.
  • Receipt of a completed online HEO Status Verification form, submitted by the student and enrollment by the HEO student at the institution indicated on the HEO Status Verification form. Enrollment must occur for the fall semester of the first academic year of the student’s eligibility. If the student does not take courses that fall semester, the student will lose the HEO benefit.
  • Enrollment and attendance at an HEO eligible institution must occur in the fall semester of the first academic year of the student’s eligibility. If the student does not take courses that fall semester, the student will lose the HEO benefit.