Deferred Retirement Option Program

Understanding the Deferred Retirement Option Program (DROP)

Vested Pension Plan members reaching their normal retirement date may participate in the Deferred Retirement Option Program (DROP). DROP allows you to retire effectively under the FRS Pension Plan while still earning a salary. During the DROP period (up to 96 months), your monthly retirement benefits earn interest. At the end of the DROP period, you receive a payout of your DROP funds and begin receiving your monthly retirement benefit.


FRS Pension Plan participants who reach their normal retirement date are eligible for DROP.

Getting Ready for DROP

  • Attend a Florida Pension Plan/DROP workshop (recommended)
  • Obtain benefit estimates from DOR:
  • Fax completed forms to UF Benefits at (352) 392-5166:
    • DROP Retirement Packet
    • Birthdate verification document (US passport, birth certificate, driver’s license if it has a star in the corner)
    • Joint annuitant birthdate verification and marriage certificate if selecting a surviving spouse benefit for your pension (Option 3 or 4)
    • You may email the forms to instead, but omit your Social Security number if you do.
  • Work with your department to have your vacation leave cash-out entered within 30 days of DROP entry
  • NOTE: Your insurance coverage does NOT change upon entering the DROP program

When DROP Period Ends

  • A packet of information and forms will be mailed to your home address approximately 90 days before your scheduled DROP exit date. Notify UF Benefits and your department as soon as possible if you will be leaving earlier than anticipated.
    • DP-TERM – Sign and fax to UF Benefits Services at (352) 392-5166
    • DP-PAYT – Sign and fax to the DROP Termination Unit at (850) 410-2199
  • Any eligible remaining leave is cashed out according to the salary plan maximums. Leave cash-outs of $5,000 or more are processed according to UF’s Special Pay Plan.
  • Contact People First at (866) 663-4735 about your state health and life insurance after you have separated employment.


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