This toolkit provides resources for faculty and staff who grade courses in ONE.UF and myUFL. Such functions include assigning graders, grading courses and approving grades. Additionally, resources regarding ONE.UF are available.
OUR010: Grade Coordination in myUFL
This online course is designed for college-level and department-level grade coordinators. It explains the roles and responsibilities of both coordinators, outlines how to authorize access to the grading system, view grading calendars, use rosters for grading, and submit grades manually and via File Upload.
Click here to register.
Security Roles
The following security roles is required to enter grades in myUFL:
This role is assigned when you are authorized as a Grade Coordinator. College Grade Coordinators should request access through their college Dean. Department Grade Coordinators should request access through their College Grade Coordinators.
Office of the University Registrar