Disciplinary Processes

We hope every employee successfully maintains the standards for performance and conduct while employed at the University of Florida.  Although most employees never require discipline, some exceptions can occur. The following is a description of the progressive disciplinary processes for TEAMS employees at the University of Florida.

The University’s standards for performance and conduct shall govern the manner and extent when deciding an appropriate disciplinary action.  Departments will consider the seriousness of the offense, as well as other mitigating circumstances when determining discipline.  No two circumstances are alike; therefore, departments will make decisions on a case-by-case basis.  Further, UFHR Employee Relations will provide guidance to ensure there is consistency across campus.

Questions relating to the disciplinary process should be directed to the appropriate Employee Relations Satellite Office.

TEAMS Employees (UF Regulation 3.046)

Depending on the offense, supervisors may have the option of informally or formally counseling their employees prior to issuing disciplinary action.  When warranted, disciplinary actions may include:

  • Oral reprimand
  • Written reprimand
  • Suspension or Final Written Reprimand
  • Dismissal

The appointment of a TEAMS employee may be suspended with or without pay, or terminated, for just cause. Under UF Regulation 3.046, disciplinary action issued to employees of the University of Florida must be taken with just cause.  This shall be defined as:

  • Incompetence
  • Misconduct, whether on or off the job
  • Unsatisfactory attendance

Please note that the non-renewal process was not designed to be used in lieu of the progressive discipline process to address issues of “just cause.”

Right of Appeal

The university seeks to ensure each disciplinary action is taken with just cause. A TEAMS employee who has successfully completed his or her probationary period may be eligible to appeal the action to an independent arbitrator. Appealable actions may include:

  • Suspension
  • Dismissal
  • Layoff
  • Involuntary demotion with reduction in pay
  • Job abandonment
  • Involuntary reduction in pay

Employees will be provided with notice of appeal rights, as well as any appeal forms which should be completed, should an appealable action affect them.

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