Fiscal Management Courses

Helpful Tips


  • Core courses (6)
  • Elective credits (2)
  • Personal Excellence courses (6)

Core Courses Course Descriptions

PRO302 The Color of Money: A Guide to How Moneys May Be Spent at UF

Instructor: Ruth Harris

Register Now

Also available as an on-demand online course through myTraining.

Clarity + Compliance = Good Stewardship! The University of Florida is a complex place with various funding sources. This workshop will introduce UF’s sources of funds along with the accompanying rules, or directives, that govern how each type of monies may be spent. Participants will learn about “allowable expenditures” for each funding source and have a chance to practice applying the rules to ensure uniform and consistent application of associated directives. The overall objective of this workshop is to ensure UF employees with fiscal responsibilities understand how funding sources can be used when completing financial transactions.

This class qualifies for CPE credit for Florida CPAs.

PRO303 Internal Controls at UF

Instructors: Missy Tate and Peyton Zivkovich

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Participants will be introduced to an “internal control framework” and study the key concepts together with a series of questionnaires that will guide them in performing unit-based internal control self-assessments. This class qualifies for CPE credit for Florida CPAs.

PRO304 Chartfields: Navigating Financial Transactions at UF

Available as an on-demand online course through myTraining

This course will introduce you to ChartFields, the backbone of the University of Florida’s accounting structure. You will develop a basic understanding of the accounting structure, system and concepts used to manage the financial transactions and flow of money at the University.

PRO338 Fraud Awareness

Instructors: Missy Tate

Register Now

This course is intended for anyone with tier 1, 2, or 3 fiscal responsibility. The course will define fraud, discuss the different types, and differentiate between theft and fraud. This course will also cover the types of fraud that occur most frequently at UF and outline the strategies for preventing, detecting, and reporting fraud. This class qualifies for CPE credit for Florida CPAs.

PST950 Budget and Commitment Control

Available as an on-demand online course through myTraining

This interactive session covers UF’s approach to budgeting in myUFL. Commitment Control is an accounting methodology that identifies and reserves (or commits) funds for future payment obligations.

PST130 Reconciliation for Tier 1

Available as an on-demand online course through myTraining

In this class we introduce reports, tools, directives and recommendations for management of financial activities at the departmental level.

Fiscal Electives – Course Descriptions

Select 2 Electives

Please keep in mind the following guidelines for elective credit:

  • Fiscal certification requires completion of two elective credits
  • Most of the electives are grouped; you need to take all of the courses within a grouping in order to get one elective credit for that grouping
  • At least one of your electives must be within the Completing Transactions Competency
  • Together with the required core courses, the electives can help develop a foundation within the associated competencies

Completing Transactions Competency

Purchasing Elective Grouping (1 elective credit)

PRO305 Procurement Policy – Procurement 101

Instructor: Karen Olitsky, Rejoy Varghese

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Procurement 101 is an introduction and overview of purchasing best practices, along with the policies, regulations and statutes in place at UF. This workshop is for decision makers, requisition initiators and department approvers who need to buy goods and services using requisitions and purchase orders. Topics covered include elements of a good quote, dollar thresholds where quotes and public solicitations are required, and tips for working within the system(s) and rules.

PRO352 Procurement 102 – Service Contracts

Instructor: Jennifer Leckerling

Registration Access Coming Soon

Procurement 102 is an introduction to working with Contracts for Services – learn what a good Statements of Work is, who can sign the agreement, legal requirements that Procurement reviews for and tips for successful contract management. This class is for UF staff and faculty who need to purchase services. [this is not subcontracts for Contracts & Grants]

PST073 Intro to Procurement in myUF Marketplace

Available as an on-demand online course through myTraining

Please note that this online class is required for those employees designated Requestors, however, it is recommended for Financial Approvers and Shoppers. Learn how to search for items in the Marketplace’s 35 UF negotiated-price catalogs, how to create a cart for goods and services with other suppliers; how to add Ship To, Bill To, ChartFields and other required fields, how to assign a cart to a requestor, and submit an order. Learn about requisition and purchase order approval workflow. Also included is how to do change orders to increase, decrease or make changes to your purchase order and how to resend it to the supplier. The class also shows how to cancel purchase order lines and close purchase orders. PST073 walks you through instruction guides and resources available to refer to when you are in the moment at your desk completing a purchase in myUF Marketplace on behalf of your department.

Accounts Payable Elective Grouping (1 elective credit)

PST956 Journal Entry in myUFL

Available as an on-demand online course through myTraining

In this interactive session participants will learn the manual journal entry process within myUFL, including when a manual journal entry is required, types of manual journal entries, the key steps for entering and editing journal entries, common errors, and how to search or correct posted journals. This workshop is required for the UF_GL_END_USER, UF_AP_VOUCHER_PROCESSOR and UF_AR_CASHIER roles.

PST083 myUF Marketplace

Register in myTraining

This online course provides information about the myUF Marketplace system. The myUF Marketplace will provide a user-friendly, streamlined way for departments to purchase and pay for goods and services. The Marketplace is a combination of myUF Market and myUF Payment Solutions. The adoption of the Marketplace represents UF’s ongoing commitment to initiatives that strategically reduce costs without sacrificing quality.

PRO335 Disbursements Directives 101

Available as an on-demand online course through myTraining

Processing disbursements at the University of Florida can be very complex due to the overwhelming amount of rules and guidelines that must be followed. This workshop is designed for departmental representatives who perform accounts payable duties.

Assets Elective Grouping (1 elective credit)

PST501 Property 101

Available as an on-demand online course through myTraining

This course is designed to provide all UF employees with basic knowledge of how to identify and responsibly manage capital assets and attractive property at the University of Florida.

PST502 my Assets

Available as an on-demand online course through myTraining

In this course, participants will complete an overview of the myAssets property system, designed for departmental property custodians and contacts to control their department inventory. The course shows how to obtain a listing of department assets and submit property status change requests to Asset Management, including updating property, completing inventory, creating reports of survey, and requesting surplus equipment pickup. The course also discusses inventory policy and explains workflow of requests to department approvers and Asset Management for final approval and processing in myUFL.

Travel and Expense Elective Grouping (1 elective credit)

PST930 Travel and Expense

Available as an on-demand online course through myTraining

Designed for departmental staff who handle travel in their areas, this workshop introduces travel and expense processes. This workshop is required for the UF_EX_EMPLOYEE security role.

Counts toward Pro3 Certification

PRO306 UFGO Travel Advanced Workshop

Instructor: Heather Nichols

Register Now

Join this this class to learn how to navigate travel at the University of Florida. In this course you will get the opportunity to collaborate with your peers and learn all about the travel directives. This critical-thinking workshop is designed for departmental representatives that perform travel-related duties. You will receive a deep dive into travel-related rules and guidelines to answer the question: “What is allowed to be claimed in accordance with the UF Travel Directives?”

Making Deposits Elective Grouping (1 elective credit)

PST021 Making Deposits in myUFL

Available as an on-demand online course through myTraining

This course is designed for employees who make cash/check, credit card, EFT/ACH/wire or Cash Expense Refund deposits within myUFL. This course additionally covers important information about Banking & Merchant Services (BMS), the six deposit methods, editing and correcting deposits, record retention and other necessary information.

PST956 Online Journal Entry

Available as an on-demand online course through myTraining

In this course, participants will learn the journal entry process for departments that have infrequent to regular monthly financial transactions including entering and editing journal entries online, budget checking and posting. This workshop is required for the UF_GL_END_USER, UF_AP_VOUCHER_PROCESSOR and UF_AR_CASHIER roles.

Budget Development Competency Reporting Elective Grouping (1 elective credit)

Please note, the Budget Development Competency Reporting elective course grouping will no longer be offered. However, if you have already completed the elective credit, it will still count towards the Pro 3 Fiscal certification.

Research Administration Elective Grouping (1 elective credit)

RSH260 Cost Principles

Available as an on-demand online course through myTraining.

2 CFR 200 is a foundational document for determining the appropriateness of costs charged to federal grants. This interactive session reviews the principles of allowable costs. It also explains the need for consistent treatment of direct and indirect costs. This class features discussion of case studies and time for group questions and answers.

RSH270 Award Management

Available as an on-demand online course through myTraining.

This course discusses some of the most important management practices for sponsored projects. These “best practices” are focused on allocating and assigning appropriate costs correctly the first time and reviewing sponsored project transactions in order to identify any costs that might be placed incorrectly or require follow-up.

RSH212 Post Award Overview

Available as an on-demand online course through myTraining.

This session will focus on the processes and policies related to initiating, managing and closing out a sponsored project.

Spreadsheet Software Competency

Excel Elective Grouping

For training regarding this competency, please visit (Learn more about LinkedIn Learning here.)

Please note, the Excel elective grouping will no longer count towards the Pro 3 Fiscal certification.

Personal Excellence – Course Descriptions
Required Courses (6)

PRO301 UF 101: What Every Employee Should Know About the University of Florida

Available as an on-demand online course through myTraining

This course is designed to increase institutional awareness so that employees at the University of Florida may be more effective in their jobs as they navigate the complexities of our large university and serve as resources for others. This course reviews UF’s overall organizational structure, its managerial structure (deans, directors, department chairs, etc.), and other relevant university relationships, including the University Board of Trustees and Board of Governors. Other key resources and facts about the university also are introduced.

GET050 Getting From A to B: Setting and Achieving Goals

Available as an on-demand online course through myTraining

This online course focuses on a key workplace skill — identifying and achieving the desired results of your work. In this session, you will learn to:

  • Identify clearly what you want and define your priorities
  • Explore methods for persisting in the face of challenges
  • Create goals that are clear and compelling
  • Develop a strategy that leads to accomplishment of your goals

HR 101

We offer two versions of HR 101, one for staff and one for managers/supervisors. You only need to take one version of the course for PRO3 completion. Take the version most relevant to your role.

PRO322 HR 101: How to Stay Legal as a UF Employee

Register Now

This course provides a practical introduction and guide to fair and legal employment practices at UF. This course is ideal for employees with HR responsibilities. It covers the most pertinent laws and policies involving basic human resource practices that impact our employees.

SCS010 HR 101: How to Stay Legal as a Manager or Supervisor

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This course provides a practical introduction and guide to fair and legal employment practices at UF. This course is ideal for individuals interested in human resources, serving in supervisory positions, or interested in becoming a supervisor. This course folds in the most pertinent laws and policies involving basic human resource practices and impacting our employees.

SCS060 Relationship Strategies

Instructors: Ronda Mitchell

Register Now

Would you like to substantially increase your ability to communicate with other people? Can you imagine the ways this might benefit you in your career, your day-to-day dealings with people, and in your personal relationships? “Relationship Strategies” assembles a number of simple tools that can be easily applied to improve both business and interpersonal relationships. This workshop offers guidelines for understanding and adjusting to the differences in people, through observation of their behavior. The tools presented here will enable you to see yourself and your world through someone else’s eyes—and that can go a long way toward increasing communication effectiveness!

SCS065 Critical Thinking

Instructor: Shannon Powell

Register Now

Things change rapidly and continually at work which requires us to address unanticipated, uncertain, time-pressured and complex problems and decisions. In this session we will consider how critical thinking, along with self-awareness and understanding of the mental shortcuts we often, and unknowingly, take can be integrated into a process to help cultivate good judgment.

One (1) of Training and Organizational Development’s Business Communication courses

See T&OD schedule for dates, times and locations of Business Communication workshops.

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