Jury Duty and Court Appearances

Jury Duty

Granting of Paid Leave: An employee summoned to jury duty will be granted paid leave for all hours required for such duty, not exceeding their normal workday hours. This paid leave will not be reduced. Any hours over the non-exempt TEAMS employee’s regular work hours will be compensated via special compensatory leave. Exempt TEAMS employees may adjust their work schedules as needed.

Partial Jury Duty: If jury duty does not require absence for the entire workday, the employee should return to work immediately upon release by the court. The university will not reimburse employees for meals, lodging, and travel expenses while serving as jurors. However, any jury fees paid may be kept by the employee.

Adjusting Work Schedule: If a non-exempt TEAMS employee’s jury duty does not coincide with their regular work schedule, the employee will still be granted paid leave based on the total hours served on jury duty, not exceeding their regular workday hours. The employee’s work schedule may be adjusted to avoid accruing special compensatory leave.

Approval and Documentation

This type of administrative leave is approved by the department. Proof of jury duty may be required.

Court Appearance

Granting of Court Appearance Leave: An employee subpoenaed as a witness in a court or administrative hearing, not involving personal litigation or service as a paid expert witness, shall be granted court appearance leave, not exceeding their regular workday hours. Any hours beyond the non-exempt TEAMS employee’s regular work hours will be compensated via special compensatory leave. Exempt TEAMS employees may adjust their work schedules accordingly.

Partial Court Appearance: If the court appearance does not require absence for the entire workday, the employee should return to work immediately upon release by the court. The University of Florida will not reimburse employees for meals, lodging, and travel expenses, but any witness fees paid may be kept by the employee.

Adjusting Work Schedule: If a non-exempt TEAMS employee’s court appearance does not coincide with their regular work schedule, the employee will still be granted administrative leave for the total hours served as a court witness, not exceeding their regular workday hours. The employee’s work schedule may be adjusted to avoid accruing special compensatory leave.

Approval and Documentation

This type of administrative leave is approved by the department. Employees called for court appearances, except for personal litigation, are entitled to time off from work. Proof of the subpoena may be required.

University Employee Appearance

An employee subpoenaed in the line of duty to represent the University of Florida as a witness or defendant will have their appearance considered part of their job assignment and, thus, time worked. The employee shall be paid per diem and travel expenses but shall not keep any fees received from the court.

Personal Litigation/Paid Expert Witness

Court Attendance: Employees engaged in personal litigation or service as a paid expert witness will not be granted administrative leave. However, employees may request to use vacation leave or unpaid leave for such purposes. Paid expert witnesses must comply with the university’s policy and regulations on extra state compensation, outside employment/activities, and conflict of interest.


Employees involved in personal litigation, serving as plaintiffs or defendants, should use vacation leave, compensatory leave (if non-exempt TEAMS), or leave without pay. The department is obligated to provide time off from work but is not obligated to approve paid leave.

Need Help? Please contact UF Central Leave at (352) 392-2477 or email us at central-leave@ufl.edu.